Microlearning Platform For Training | Novum Learning

Novum Learning
5 min readAug 20, 2021

Microlearning is a relatively new approach to modern learning, but it already revolutionized the e-learning industry and the world of professional development. Microlearning platforms emerged to change the way organizations address the skills gap, use technology for training, and challenge the new generation of professionals.

Know why a microlearning platform has become an effective tool for corporate training and career advancement from this blog.

What is microlearning in the context of training?

Microlearning offers learning materials in short pieces and training approaches with systematic designs and processes. It is specifically designed for skills training, giving professionals and organizations an opportunity to find time and resources for training and self-development. Microlearning , however, is more than just a modern learning approach that provides accessible and effective ways to fill a skills gap. It can play a big role in an individual’s career growth and an organization’s overall success. That’s why it’s considered an engaging and effective tool for corporate training.

As one of the best training models today, microlearning is the next step in successful workforce training. Many organizations have tried e-learning approaches before to offer staff training and development opportunities, but some of these approaches aren’t effective in giving immediate and long-term outcomes. Microlearning then emerged in the picture to target specific problems in workforce training.

With the help of microlearning, organizations can now easily integrate microlearning into their objectives to educate professionals in all aspects of the business, firm, or brand-from hiring and acquisition to ongoing training and internal communication-and constantly update their knowledge and skills whenever necessary.

What is a microlearning platform?

A microlearning platform is an e-learning platform that offers streamlined and automated professional training for individuals and organizations. Under this one platform are the best corporate learning solutions prepared, compiled, and marketed by field experts.

Courses offered by some of the best microlearning platforms, compared to other e-learning providers and physical institutions, contain bite-sized lessons and training that aims to meet a specific learning outcome. They can be in the form of modules, videos, games, or infographics. Because of the specific nature and function of microlearning platforms, they offer opportunities to master specific skills accompanied by immediate practice.

How does a microlearning platform work?

A microlearning platform offers a unique, effective, and creative way to train individuals. That’s why it functions differently as compared to e-learning platforms and physical learning institutions. Here’s how it works:

Designing and offering microlearning content

Microlearning platforms start with building micro-courses that specifically target field-specific professionals who need to constantly update their existing skills and knowledge or learn a new skill altogether. The best microlearning platforms know how to identify target audiences, curate content, focus on single-learning objectives, use different interactive learning formats, and apply supporting resources.

Providing a place-and-time training approach

These micro-courses are open to organizations and individual professionals. They can use these available micro-courses and study them any time and anywhere, depending on how and when they want to finish a course. They can take the course at home-with a laptop or a desktop-or at a coffee shop using a mobile phone.

Producing immediate and field-specific results

After each course, a microlearning platform ensures that the learner will produce immediate and field-specific results through application and execution. Today’s best microlearning platform continues to act as a support system to build knowledge retention through repeated training and delivery, allowing the learner to constantly fill his or her skill gap.

What are the benefits of using a microlearning platform?

A microlearning platform has several benefits for organizations and individual professionals, especially those with professions and businesses that need to adapt to the ever-evolving demands of the modern world-lawyers, developers, financial analysts, accountants, among others.

Here are the key benefits of using a microlearning platform for career advancement and skill improvement:

More flexible and accessible

A microlearning platform offers short online courses perfect for busy learners or professionals on the go. These online courses only require desktops or portable devices and an Internet connection. With the power of technology, you can study and finish courses anywhere and at any time.

Better learning engagement

Microlearning courses have specific learning objectives and short training content. As such, a microlearning platform attracts individuals who want to learn lessons or skills that they are actually interested in. This offers better learning engagement than general courses.

Better knowledge retention

Microlearning courses target the learner’s knowledge gap on a specific skill or topic. It aims to target areas where the learners are weak. As such, learners quickly absorb details that they can keep in their long-term memory.

Immediate results with long-term outcomes

Since a microlearning platform offers courses that target specific skills, it can produce immediate results. Professionals can immediately apply the lessons they’ve learned to their current jobs, tasks, or goals.

More cost-effective

A microlearning platform only gives the necessary resources to solve a targeted skills gap. As such, learners only have to pay for what they need and in some cases there are free online courses available. To individual professionals, microlearning is a more affordable option than a physical learning institution. To organizations training many professionals, it is a much more cost-effective option than other e-learning or instructor-led institutions.

These are the general benefits professionals can get from the best microlearning platforms online. To find out what microlearning can offer to your field and needs, you can look for field-specific microlearning courses from Novum, one of the best and most accessible microlearning platforms today.

Novum Learning’s microlearning solutions

Novum Learning is a relatively new player in the e-learning industry, but it already offers some of the best microlearning solutions that focus on leadership, marketing, operations, technology, and personal training. These courses cover a wide variety of skills, resources, and lessons that can contribute to an individual’s career advancement and an organization’s overall success.

Backed by some of the best experts from reputable professional service firms and other related industries around the globe, Novum Learning is here to offer the best microlearning training, content and approaches under one single platform.

Originally published at https://www.novumlearning.com.



Novum Learning

A Micro-learning platform for professional growth